
Emerald is the most precious variety of beryllium, with green color in different shades and an elongated six-sided prismatic dress, almost always ended at only one extremity. The name derives from the Greek "smàragdos" which means "green stone". Chemically it is an aluminum and beryllium silicate in which impurities are present. The coloration of emerald, due to the presence of chromium and vanadium oxides, has a wide range of intensities: from light green, pea green, to an intense and often gloomy flag green. The value of emerald is given by its color: emeralds are hardly pure, indeed in most cases they are rich in inclusions and cracks, which harms the beauty of the gem even if they still remaining very precious.
The oldest emerald mines are those of Upper Egypt, Zambia, Russia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Pakistan, and Zimbawe. Since the Egyptian deposits are finished, the Colombian deposits have assumed great importance: 90% of the emeralds on the market come from Colombia. The bright green Colombian emeralds from the Muzo area are of high quality but difficult to find. Nova Era emeralds extracted in the mines of Mina Gerais in Brazil have a yellowish-green tint and are also pure and without cracks. The second largest emerald deoposit in the world is located in Zambia and has high quality gems.
Emerald is appreciated because of its rejuvenating properties, which is thought to have the power to combat aging processes and to revitalize tired organs. It can alleviate states of emotional heaviness. It is a magnificent gem that helps to activate your own artistic creativity as it has a powerful invigorating effect on our ability to reflect, on our thinking and on our philosophy. emerald helps to achieve greater concentration and intensity at work and in the creative process.